Being a great student doesn't mean hours and hours of being studious and having no social life at all! There's always room to improve, so it helps to always check the work you do. This will lead to happiness and satisfaction with not only yourself but what you are doing with your life. And you know: accomplishments are for life; they last! If you get good grades, you're that much closer to a good college, which leads you to a good job. Keep reading to find out how to be more successful in school.
  1. Image titled Get Straight "A"s Step 01
    Go beyond the surface information. Don’t just stop learning at the bare facts. These will not make you any smarter, nor will they give you the analytical tools you need to get straight A’s. If you really want to excel in school the most important thing is to always ask why. Learn why things work the way they do, why things matter and then you can apply that knowledge across a vast amount of information and may be correctly guessing even things you might not have learned about.
  2. Image titled Get Straight "A"s Step 02
    Use the knowledge of others. We don’t mean cheat…. when we say use the knowledge of others, what we mean is that you should talk with friends, family members and teachers about the subjects you are studying. Get their opinions on topics, see how they would have approached a problem or learn their method of doing something. In opening your mind to new ways of thinking and doing you should be better prepared to handle almost any academic challenge.
  3. Image titled Get Straight "A"s Step 03
    Be proactive in your education. Participate in study groups. Get help when you need it. Study over time rather than cramming before a test. Basically, getting straight A’s is hard (if it were easy, everyone would do it) so you need to work at it if you want to do this.
    Get organized. Consistently keep all assignments or handed back work/handouts separate and in chronological order. Not only does this make life in general easier but it also helps when exam time comes especially if there will be a cumulative end-of-the-year exam. You should also organize your time by allowing yourself plenty of time to study and sleep. Organize your notes and your study space. A cluttered space is distracting.
    • Study and do homework in chunks. If you have 2 days to do a homework assignment do most of it the first and do the other part the second. Or, if you have 1 week to learn 10 vocabulary words learn a few each day and review the words already learned. This way you'll be less overwhelmed and ultimately have more time free from cramming.
    • Get a planner. Write down your homework as soon as the teacher assigns it. If a teacher tells you when a project is due or a test will be given write it down. This will help you know what you have to do.

    Be aware of your body clock. The human body learns best at specific times and for some people it can be in the morning. Be sure you save this time for studying important class material, and leave the rest of the time for less important activities such as socializing. Avoid studying when you are tired. In general you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
      Give your best effort. You need to have knowledge of the study subject but it is also important to persevere and go back and revise the subject until you are confident that you will be able to get the right answers during an exam or test. If you don't understand a question on a test then think it through and write it out so that you can see what you are doing.